Sunday, January 26, 2014

Final Major

Final Major

Nestea_3D Environmental Flythrough

Establishment Shot 1

Establishment Shot 2

Collaterals_Poster Design

Collaterals_Poster Design

Collaterals_Wallpaper for Contest

Video_How to prepare a glass of Nestea? (Screenshot)

How to prepare a glass of Nestea?

Video_How to win a contest? (Screenshot)

How to win the contest?

Nestea's Facebook Page (Open purposely for FYP only)

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Pre-Production Work

Pre-Production Work

Artist Impression

Exhibition Profile

Profile Detailing_01

Profile Detailing_02

Promotional Flowchart_01

Promotional flowchart_02

Promotional Flowchart_03

Floor Plan_Top View

Floor Plan_Side View

Floor Plan_Front View

 Collaterals_Poster & Flier Design

Collaterals_Nutrition Facts & Preparation of Nestea